Monday 8 November 2021

How Does K417n Mutation Affects?

My Geek Score: "There is no particular reason for concern at this point. The delta + variant, also known as AY.1 is the delta strain (B.617.2) which carries the K417N mutation in the spike protein. About 160 strains were sequenced therefore The first was observed on April 5, 2021, in India. It has been found in several countries but has remained at an extremely low frequency, with the exception of Nepal where it has been estimated at ~ 4% (but based on a small sample size 3/70) Delta + represents 0.00002% of all delta variants sequenced to date. There is no evidence that the strain is currently spreading to a country. 

How concerned should we be about the number of cases in the UK?

"The cases of delta + in the UK remain at a very low level. The first case was observed on April 28, 2021. The lineage remained at a very low frequency as there is no sign of expansion. 

Do we know about this variant and its transmissibility/vaccine escape/lethality? 

”Given the low number of strains reported, nothing is known about the transmissibility, or lethality of the delta + strain. However, given that it has remained at a very low frequency wherever it has been identified, it strongly suggests that it is no more transmissible than its delta progenitor. The K417N mutation “The K417N mutation has appeared independently in several viral lines (at least twice in the delta).

How Does K417n Mutation Affects?

My Geek Score : "There is no particular reason for concern at this point. The delta + variant, also known as AY.1 is the delta strain (...